Monthly Archives: September 2010

Arabian squash, like Arabian nights…

This one’s straight outta Katzen, which is sort of like being straight outta Compton, except a lot less intimidating-sounding. Also, one of my most favorite things to cook/eat ever. Also pretty, which is kinda rare for a casserole, which makes me sad that I don’t have a photo. Humph and alas. Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Take a picture, it’ll last longer

So I made this kale-rice gratin-ish sort of thing last night, and I put a little of it in a wee cute little white scalloped mini-gratin dish thingy and set it aside, thinking it would be lovely to take some pictures of it today in natural light. Terminally cute, it was, with its topping of slivered almonds and delicately sprinkled paprika. And the recipe made ever so much, and there was plenty left in the great big red gratin dish, and I was happy just musing on how cute that picture would be.
And then Jim came home last night and ate half of what was in the cute little scalloped dish. So you will have to use your imagination to envision how sweet that dear little dish looked all full of kale-ricey goodness. Sigh. Continue reading

Posted in Drunken Angel Hot Sauce, Food and Drink, Recipes, Vegetarian | 2 Comments

Socca to me

What, you ask, is a socca? This morning, I couldn’t have told you. Now I know that it’s a chickpea-flour cake or bread, baked on a griddle (especially a special fancy copper griddle pan, one of which I am confident I will never own) or, as in this case, in a cast-iron skillet. It’s native to Southern France, especially Nice, and has counterparts in the cuisine of many other countries (in Italy, it–or its cousin–is called farinata). Continue reading

Posted in Food and Drink, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian | 1 Comment

Vegan, but not very: Chickpea-Quinoa Pilaf with Roasted Carrots

I had every intention of making this vegan, but then I realized I had chicken broth, not vegetable broth. Do with that as you will.

The pilaf recipe is adapted from Veganomicon, and it’s by far the tastiest thing I’ve made out of said cookbook yet (with the exception of a double pea soup to which I added bacon, tee hee). With the spicy sweetness of the roasted carrots, it made a well-rounded and thoroughly satisfying dinner. Continue reading

Posted in Food and Drink, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian, Vegetarian Option | 3 Comments